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What if my baby cries, falls asleep or needs to eat during the massage?

Don’t worry, its just your baby communicating with you. S/he may prefer to change position, take a nap, feed or enjoy a cuddle. Always take the lead from your baby in massage and be responsive to his/her needs. It is through respect for their communication that they learn that the world

is a place that is gentle and supportive. You can always try later. Little and often is always best with babies and with infant massage.

What is the best age to begin massage?

Babies can receive gentle touch and stroking from the moment they are born. Newborns are reassured by skin contact and it helps to establish bonds between parent and baby. Many babies

and women are traditionally massaged as part of the birthing and post natal period in many cultures around the world. Once your baby is around 8 weeks s/he can start to receive a slightly longer massage providing there are no underlying medical issues and your baby is healthy. A great time to participate in an infant massage class is around 8 weeks. If your baby suffers from colic and is under 8 weeks, tummy massage over clothes can be very useful to help relieve wind.


How long are the courses?

Group courses consist of 4 sessions. The classes are once a week, so that parent and baby have time to become acclimated to this new form of nurturing touch. Each session lasts 1-1.5 hours.

Private courses consist of 3 sessions once a week. Each session lasts 1.5 hours.

Who will massage my baby?

You will. The massage is a two-way process between parent and child. You know your baby best, and are that child 's most trusted and competent advocate. The instructor demonstrates on a doll, as each stroke is explained.


Can my partner attend class with me?

Yes. One person massages the baby, and the other can practice on a doll supplied by the instructor.

It is ideal for the baby to focus on one adult per massage.

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